How cold is cold enough that installing a warmer makes sense?
How cold is cold enough that installing a warmer makes sense?
#6 is something I learned recently. I live on the Oregon coast and I had to make a quick run inland to pick up somebody at the airport. I have to drive over a pass to get there. I got into the tunnel on the California side and boom, major snowstorm. It's about 6 inches deep and untouched, plows have yet to show up and…
The Cooler Master 212 really is an amazing product for it's cost. I have run my PCs for years with a moderate overclock with this cooler and it does a phenomenal job. I also have the Zalman in one of my PCs and it's also quite good, but I bought it primarily because it was going in a windowed case and it just looks…
Doesn't the president make $400K a year? Sounds like he can afford to take the missus out for a fancy meal.
The Uncanny Valley just got more canny.
Like Nathan Fillon and Chris Isaak had a baby...
I am usually one of the last people on the plane. I sit at the gate, reading, perusing the Internet or snarling Cinnabon. Once the hoi polloi has subsided, I will calmly gather my belongings, saunter up to the desk, and present my pass, then directly walk all the way to my assigned seat and place my single small…
97% of all porsche's purchased in the last 25 years are still on the road.
Actually, I just meant it as gentle teasing. I understand fully that NOBODY knows what a relationship is like except the two (or five, or whatever) people that are in it.
I think you just got friend-zoned. Retroactively.
I find that simply being straight-forward is the best approach to being friend-zoned.
I was just past there a few days ago. I live in Oregon, but I was in NOLA for a wake and we went past there. Isn't the building across the street one of the oldest bars in America?
This was going to be my comment as well.
I think this thread has proven that Miata IS always the answer. There is no number two.
Sorry, a line from a movie, not a personal sentiment.
I didn't go into OB/GYN but I can absolutely relate to the first comment. Especially after rotations in more grisly things like Trauma surgery (nightmare fuel, folks.) delivering healthy babies to happy couples is.....nice. Really nice.
As it stands, I have no, "and then she unzipped her jumper" stories.
The old Girl-wearing-just-your-dress-shirt thing. Gets me everrrry time. Not so much a sexually charged thing, I just find it incredibly endearing, cliche that it is.