
Of course all black people like fried chicken, it's because every human being who ever existed and was lucky enough to be alive after someone invented fried chicken loves fried chicken.

Ah, say no more.

My apologies, I misunderstood the intention of your original post. In this case, I'm glad to be wrong.

Why is the accused look like the villains from an 80's flick? They have that gum-smacking blow-dried emulating-Gordon-Gekko air of assholism.

Way to minimize the poor guy's situation.

Municipalities don't own these cameras, they rent them - at high cost. Therefore, it needs to dispense 'x' tickets to break even. If the red light camera isn't meeting its quota, some communities will titrate down the duration of the yellow light until it does. Fact.

Ah, gad. I am only a couple of years out of medical residency, so I make a great salary, but I have student loans that are the equivalent of a mortgage, my wife had Hodgkin's and despite having insurance, i still owe tens and tens of thousands of dollars for her cancer treatments.

Excellent summary.

My medical school didn't allow pharm access to us. Neither did residency. My first brush with a pharmaceutical rep was when I was doing some moonlighting working in a doc-in-the-box urgent care (lot of strep throat, minor fractures, gastroenteritis, abscesses, and stitches. You get the idea.) Occasionally, they would

Loved, loved, loved "So you want to be a Wizard" when I was kid. Must've read it a half-dozen times. It should be a classic of childhood literature. It's a far better novel than say, "A Wrinkle in Time". (Which I also loved as a kid, but just recently read it to my kids and it was very threadbare.)

I was going to post this one, too. I really enjoyed this book when I was a kid. I didn't know she wrote a whole series until years later, when I was too old to still enjoy it properly.

I think the new earphones sound pretty decent, but yeah, I'm one of those people with the wrong shaped pinna or tragus or something. The just spontaneously fall out from their own weight. There's no possible way to jam them in decently.

I felt the same way.

After sitting through the grey drabness of The Shawshank Redemption, the scene where Andy Dufresne is cruising past the blue pacific in a red convertible, just smacks you in the face and your brain goes "omgcolor! I must release a wave of emotion."

I'm thinking Citroen, but that's a wild-assed guess.

I could imagine GRRM sitting and watching these clips and cackling maniacally, actually able to see his audiences reaction to his work.

It's illegal to do what you are talking about. Ever heard of HIPAA?

Same here. Totally traumatic.

There IS a 3+ hour version. I KNOW i have seen it. But it seems to have disappeared off the face of the planet.

Enough to quench your thirst.