
If it makes you feel better, an ex-girlfriend from way back called me up to get coffee, turns out she was in town because she was suing EA (well, not HER per se, but the firm she works for.)

It wasn't bad. Not particularly memorable, but certainly not a BAD game.

Yeah, I'm gonna be another one to say that ripping off game developers is not cool, man.


I say go out 12 miles into international waters, secure a weight to the body and let 'er rip.

Anyone ever see that movie "Rocket Gibraltar"? These kids steal the body of the family patriach after he dies and give him a Viking-style funeral.

You know, there's a scottish rock band called Frightened Rabbit. Relatives of yours?

Gotcha. Seems self-explanatory in retrospect.

"Pardon me, do you mind if crank out a set?"

I don't follow you. (Not being facetious.)

That explains why I looked like a 98lb weakling when I was a teenager, but I was insane-o strong. I spent my summers hauling hay.

I adore little neo-fascists when they say "just following orders". It's so cuuuuuuuuute!

Yeah, time is probably a limiting factor. Also I live in a pretty rural area on the Pacific Coast, there literally aren't that many people that live in the area.

Women over 50 adore me. Like, openly make matter-of-fact comments such as, "You are a good-looking man.", or "If I was 20 years younger, I'd have been throwing myself at you."

I would strongly recommend a pair of jack stands. Having your car precariously perched on just a jack leaves you open to injury if that single point of lift fails. Jack stands are probably $20-25 dollars for a pair strong enough to hold a passenger car.

COTD if I ever saw one.

Looks like an Audi TT with a bit of junk in the trunk.

Yup. That'll do, pig. That'll do.

I have a 94 that I've ridden pretty hard for 19 years and the most I've ever had to do was replace the water pump and one of the brake calipers.