
Six strangers picked to live together... to find out what happens when people stop being polite, and start getting Federal.

This is really gross. But even more gross is that it’s not Shade Court.

To be fair, it’s really pretty expensive and more time consuming than getting your DL renewed. I have one, because I worked overseas recently, but my younger brothers don’t have them. They’re not rednecks and not poor, and would probably love to travel someday, but they don’t have a lot of vacation time.

YEP. I have a “body bore” in my life who’s spent the last 2-3 years preaching the gospel of Crossfit and Paleo, while barely going to class, and y0-yo’ing so hard on the Paleo. Meanwhile earlier this year, I started limiting my calorie intake using an app and going to the gym and working out doing something (whatever

In my case, if we’re both standing, my wife is so much shorter than I am that the shoulder is pretty much the only place I can put my arm around. On the other hand, she’s the one who makes all the money and her name is on the mortgage, not mine, so we’re both pretty clear on who owns who.

Yeah, I’m sort of the fiance in this situation - I’m in grad school studying law and I do not have time to hold down a job with four subjects and two unpaid internships. But I do the housekeeping and cooking and look after the pets, so I feel like I’m still contributing and pulling my weight. But I know people have

I had no idea that her character was supposed to be older than Bradley Cooper’s. I did, however, think during the movie “Man, isn’t she a little young to have had some of these life experiences?”

I refuse to respect a grown ass woman in a jumper, regardless of her politics.

A nation where Christmas decorations start appearing in stores before Labor Day can not possibly be a nation where Christians are oppressed for their faith.

I don’t want to appear smug, but I don’t need a job. I’ve been really poor, foreclose-on-your-house poor. And I’ve been rich. Rich is better.

I think you only give the ring back if you are the one to break off the engagement? Which in this case was her when she slept with other men.

Now playing

Spend your summer in St Kitts then, folks. But watch your drink, because monkeys also like to snatch unguarded drinks off the beach and get hammered. I’ll take a drunk monkey over the soberest swarm of wasps any day.

No one is forcing these people to commit to a monogamous relationship. They're grown ass adults who actually do have a choice in what actions they take. Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous relationships, and plenty of people who aren't decide not to be in one. No one is forcing anyone to cheat.

I have no idea who killed Hae, but I also don’t understand how a high schooler in 1999 (and I was one at that time) lends his car and brand new cell phone to someone he claims to barely know for a day.

Me reading the article:

Me reading the headline: “Oh man, I hope she pounded it.”
Me reading the article:


Truth. We’re taught from birth to be polite, no matter what. First thing that sprung to mind: