
I love the mochas I get at Starbucks, but have learned through experience that it’s not the same at many/most other coffee places.* So what’s my solution? I make sure I go to Starbucks if I want a mocha like I get at Starbucks.

I’m guessing it was Wheaton, Illinois- where Wheaton College (a religious school) is located.

Really? I use it for purely practical reason (project planning, primarily) and don’t really understand its function as a social media site. In fact, it’s always a bit puzzling when someone follows one of my boards since I assume they’re not making my project!

Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones spent Saturday dressed in their Ghostbusters costumes, visiting patients at the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center.

Any bets on how long it’ll be until that nanny has her own reality show?

“Cara Delevingne, a model with a tragically misspelled name, has been doing press for some movie about teens with cancer or cavities who fall in love or just go to college or something like that.” <333

I mean, I know its heresy bc everyone loves Diana, but it was a HORRIBLE match. Charles and Camillia are made for each other and always have been.

No luck catching them killers, then?

Rebecca Loos was no match against the powerhouse that is Victoria Beckham. The Beckhams are a solid couple and no interloper stands a chance against them. In contrast, Ben and Jen are divorcing so there is a hypothetical future for her to get some sort of fame. Not a good kind of fame and really no future, but a kind

BRB, pinning this to my “For the Revolution” Pinterest board

Her credentials really leapt out at me. How many PhDs coach professional football in any capacity? For the longest time I assumed they’d just picked the man with the least symptomatic onset of CTE.

“[We are] deeply troubled by Amnesty’s proposal to adopt a policy that calls for the decriminalization of pimps, brothel owners and buyers of sex — the pillars of a $99 billion global sex industry.”

Seriously. Not only do they take forever to kick in but it hits you like a brick when it does. It’s SO MUCH harder to navigate how much is just right/too much than with smoking. Get a little too high while smoking? Nbd, just skip the next couple rounds, sit back, chill, and wait for a little bit for it to wear down a

Miranda’s break-up album is going to be SO. FUCKING.GOOD.


I hear that. We’re having the exact same experience at our place. So many THE CONVERSATIONS. So many trainers. No bites (hallelujah) but it feels like it could happen every time someone that isn't us comes through the door. I worry about kids too.

Ha, truth! I’m very preggo and forgot how hilarious hungover can be.

I was totally pissed when someone told me how the Bible ended before I finished it. I did *not* see the Four Horsemen (spoiler alert!) coming!

That’s why I never ever ever ever ever read reviews of books I plan on reading or movies I plan on watching. Reviewers (especially “highbrow” ones) have this obnoxious bullshit idea that you’re shallow if you want to be surprised by what happens in a book/movie. They can all burn in hell.