

What's so nuts about this is that not only are they asking for something that does not exist, they are convinced that you are the idiot who doesn't understand coffee words. It makes you feel like you're going crazy.

Oh my goodness. How ever will she recover?

"I don't like that company's 100% free service that I'm under no obligation to use, so fuck them."

I said this before, but while this is fun I don't see them doing a part-for-part direct analogue of the original movie. feig is writing this from scratch.

Mark Ruffalo is so freaking awkward and I LOVE IT.

One of my major dealbreakers is table manners. If you chew with your mouth open or do that thing of putting more food in before you've chewed and swallowed what's already in there, it's never going to work and we should break up immediately.

Slightly off topic-I could never find myself dating (or marrying, oh the horror!) someone that didn't drink. Maybe it's because I'm a Wisco gal, but man, that would really drive a wedge because I like to go to bars and social events that involve alcohol. Perhaps it's because I've run into a few men over the past few

I couldn't marry someone with completely different eating patterns since we'd be eating together every day and raising kids together - I'd never want to have to explain why daddy doesn't have to eat green beans but Jr. does.

We were just talking about this in another comment section. It's fine to date someone you're not compatible with. But marrying them, well, you may want to really think about that. You have to have some real solutions worked out. I would have a hard time with a partner who didn't like my food (I make really good food,

Not gonna lie...a young Joe Biden?

YES!! I would buy ALL the She-Hulk shirts. I am having a She-Hulk dress made for my little girl, I can not wait till its done!

My daughter LOVED her Superman shirt and wore it often- until one day some little asshole toddler told her the shirt was for boys. Pissed me right off. Took about 2 weeks of reconditioning / indoctrinating her with my thoughts... but she finally wore it to school again.
She LOVES superheroes. For a reward once I

And that right there is why I've gravitated toward the mens section for t shirts in the last few years. I got a sweet TMNT shirt, and a monstrosity covered in cat faces, and then I stole a shark shirt from my husband because I SAW IT FIRST, and I have a pretty awesome Avengers shirt that I found in the boys section.

She also called out the male Justices as having a blind spot on women's issues. She is a national treasure and I hope she lives forever.

Um, so, I want that NASA Crew scoopneck tshirt for myself.

Why is everyone in Ibiza? WHERE WAS MY INVITE?

This is why I love Jimmy Fallon. It's harmless fun. No one is insulted. No one is belittled. It's just silly games to make people laugh.