
I wonder if the Ahsoka voice cameo was just fan service and a weak attenpt to tie into the animated series without any real consideration of what that may have implied, her death. They probably just thought, WTF, let’s throw that in.

Yeah but why re-invade a galaxy you already conquered?
Why destroy your empire, retreat with the leftovers, rebuild, re-conquer the galaxy, then announce you’re invading a galaxy you already own?

Yeah but why re-invade a galaxy you already conquered?
Why destroy your empire, retreat with the leftovers, rebuild, re-conquer the galaxy, then announce you’re invading a galaxy you already own?

Some of these seem fairly self explanatory. I presume that what the Final Order have been doing all this time, is building a massive fleet of Star Destroyers, and recruiting acolytes and officers to crew them. The reason they are acting now, is that they’ve finished building and equipping them and are ready to launch

Yup. Those are “short range fighters” and the wings didn’t even fold as was established in The Mandalorian this week. Kylo would have needed a TIE Advanced or TIE Defender if he wanted a hyperdrive. They should have just given him an Imperial Lambda Class Shuttle identical to the ones from Return of the Jedi.

The bigger question about the Resistance allies is why did they actually expect anyone to respond in the FIRST damn place?

My understanding is much of the galaxy surrendered to the First Order after the destruction of the New Republic capital. They had plenty of resources as a resultThe problem is virtually all the politics are only mentioned in novels and other extra material.  The First Order is never given any weight, nor earns it

“she wouldn’t take a hotshot pilot seriously enough right after he got a bunch of his fellow pilots killed.”

Fairly sure those pilots were dead the second they took off. Bombers that non-maneuverable weren’t going to make it back to the ship no matter how you cut it.

“what threw me was the ‘Huge Collection of Bad Guys’

Then you may have missed the point of Luke’s scenes with the Resistance, they’re talk about broadcasts, and his heading out - alone - with a Laser Sword - to face a bunch of Gorilla AT-ATs. Then the scenes after are about kids across the galaxy talking up the story they heard from those broadcasts, hyping themselves

I think he mostly just likes the idea of having a relatively small filmography of consistently high quality. Never having made a true stinker would put him in rare company (Leone, Kubrick, maybe a handful of others...), even moreso when you realise he’s been the sole writer on them all too.

WotC owns AD&D, D&D, and it’s successors, which is inclusive of all of the official rule sets and associated IP that was created for D&D since the 70's.

Gary’s own home campaign was always kept separate and distinct from what was published for sale to the public. I’m guessing that is what is being fought over here.

Its quite tempting to build a giant super weapon,

Man, there’s a huge crossover. Sports is hella nerdy. Stupid, expensive merch, 70's-ass affiliation symbols and signals, expansive lore, vicarious performance of superhuman feats for the hopelessly couchbound, tables of nonsense to memorize... Football is very easy for anyone who’s ever been deep into a science

So many people think the main saga of Star Wars is only for uber Star Wars nerds. The reality is that “Star Wars” movies in the Skywalker saga are extremely popular with a general audience along with a smaller core group of big fans. The super duper nerdy Star Wars fans are into the expanded universe novels, comics,

Ehhh there are plenty of people who are hardcore fans of both. Most people aren’t just a fan of one thing.

You know who likes football and Star Wars? Kids. Tens of millions of them. 

Obviously anecdotal, but I know tons of geeky sports fans as well. I, myself, grew up a rabid college football fan, while simultaneously being a D&D playing, Star Wars obsessing, Magic the Gathering tournament player. Many of my friends throughout middle school, high school and college were sports fans, geeks, or

Yeah, I feel like the whole “Star Wars is for nerds” myth is mostly believed by people who are aggressively anti-nerd (aka Big Bang Theory fans/writers). Star Wars, Marvel, and (to a lesser degree) Star Trek are completely mainstream now. Liking sci-fi and fantasy is no longer weird or unusual in any way.

Everyone else knows how to use the internet. I’m sure it will be fine.