
I do think that Insurrection gets treated far more harshly than it deserves, and I think your description of it is absolutely spot-on. I suspect that if it had been made as a two-part TV story it would be held in much higher regard.

I’m just happy that Star Trek is FINALLY taking place in the future again, as opposed to “prequel” type story lines that started with Enterprise in 2001. ST: Nemesis, which came out in 2002, was the last ST that took place in the 24th century. After that everything went to the past or alternate timelines in the past.

Not even kidding I want a Garak series.

Why not the skies of Venus? Sure, there’s zero land so everything would have to be built, but above 65 km from the surface, the pressure and temperature is almost the same as Earth. On top of that, because of how thick the atmosphere CO2 is, you could literally just fill balloons with oxygen and float! 

I’m not an absolute lore master, but I think that some of the ladies in the (Knights of the) Old Republic stories are pretty famous for using yellow lightsabers.

This list is missing John Uskglass, the goddamn Raven King.

That’s the thing, wasn’t just written for him, they filmed part of the serial, probably about 50% of it. That’s why the Shada restoration is only half-animated (with Baker and others providing dialogue from the scripts over the animation). They had live action material that was filmed in the first studios

I seem to recall in MIB3, J talks to an agent named AA, played by Will Arnett.

in one of the later movies (I think it’s 3?) one of the agents has double letters. Presumably they also go into other alphabets (sigma, Omega, etc.)

Star Trek is also a metaphor of WWII and the nuclear age (it also was a devastating war and to justify the technology a lot of propaganda that nuclear power could solve a lot) that followed. It is simply: let’s continue down the path of liberalism, of principles and progress toward a better destiny, while the world

“There are no real animals and there are no real cameras and...there’s not even any performance that’s being captured” It’s animation 

This was the first thing I thought of when I read this.  Don’t tell me it isn’t animated!  It’s just really impressive CGI instead of more traditional animation.  I really liked the original (and Hamlet).  This is just a stupid cash grab on top of a bed of LIES.

Yes and no.
Yes, because it’s technically animation. No, because these characters do not move like animated characters (or at least they try not to). Animation as a genre has some rules and conventions about movement that have less to do with realism and more with what visually works - on the contrary, movies like TLK

Since this is a George R R Martin post, I think it’s important to slot Melisandre, Euron, and all those wizards (whose name is escaping me right now) that Dany burned.

Dear super advanced future civilization: Please develop time travel and come back to explain what THAC0 is.

I hope someday that people spend this much time trying to “decode” my D&D planning scribbles

Plus, Ten Rings is more than Six Stones. This stuff writes itself!

Unfounded Prediction #1: A Doctor Strange sequel will involve re-forging our universe’s Infinity Stones somehow, if only because GOTGv3 is already packed with story hooks.

I’d so much prefer the 10 “rings” that power any new Mandarin being 10 different crime circles/areas of influence. THOSE can be featured in a lot of different stories on the ground level. They don’t require immediate exposition and backstory or any connections made to larger events, ever, but its there to play with.

And another three years just for the One Ring to rule them all...