
What about a plot where they need Mirror Georgiou to follow-up/finish (or maybe undo, since we’re talking about Section 31) something the Prime version did?  You could show both parts of the story.

Also, I love that the Doctor has a doctorate in LEGO. She’s given me something to aspire to, especially since all I have currently is a duploma.

You’re spot-on about Star Wars. It feels like a lot of people are treating “the Dark Side” as just an aesthetic/flavour of Force, rather than “literal evil, it’s not even an allegory”.

This view of the Force is correct. As for the “idiocy” of the Jedi Order, yeah, they could have done a lot better. But you also have to remember that Palpatine was by far one of the most powerful Sith to ever exist. Manipulating the entire Senate was something he spent years learning how to do.

Basically it would put things which he is currently able to change into the public domain”

Books are written. Have been for a while. He is just waiting for the show to wrap.

Re: Martin, there’s also the issue of the “5 year gap” that he had initially meant to write into the story after A Storm of Swords, but then had to scrap once he realized it wasn’t going to work in a storytelling sense. He had to retool A LOT of things after that 5 year gap wasn’t there any more, and he essentially

A couple of problems with that even though I was suprised she didn't identify herself as a PC. The fact of the matter is she wasn't pn duty, technical ly trespassing and what could twlling him this really have accomplished? After all he was the one with the gun on his own property and his security detail would have

That is funny, I never thought about it at the time! I would think that in the UK, pulling a gun on anyone, especially a cop, would be jail worthy. The UK takes guns very seriously. Her not identifying herself immediately and then using a cell to call for backup is kind of a “dispel belief” moment.

So, a Trubel spinoff? Hopefully with Monroe and Rosalee?

It has a bad reputation, because it tastes like garbage. I know very few people in the states who eat it either.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they come back. Just think of the paycheck that would be on offer!

That’s it...that waxy texture makes me think there’s not much in the way of cocoa solids.

Yep, I’m Australian and when I first got the chance to try them at a lolly shop that stocks international sweets I was expecting them to be really good.

if you are feeling masochistic, Tesco and Cyber Candy (or shops of that ilk) stock some Hershey’s products.

Hershey’s isn’t the worst chocolate, but it’s certainly not the best either. I think the trick is to try a product of theirs that isn’t strictly plain chocolate, such Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

Yes, American milk chocolate is more sugar & other stuff as opposed to chocolate with those items included.

No, it’s chocolate, but the way Hershey (and other “American style”) chocolate factories process the milk gives it a sourness that people used to European chocolate don’t usually care for.

It has some serious World War II baggage.

From my experience in America, Hersheys is the same quality chocolate as our store brand Savers/Value stuff.