
If they are like me, they will be confused by the gobbledygook plot beats thrown at us in a weird trailer and going exclusively to see giant roaming cities eat each other.


I don’t know why this stuff is so fascinating to me. If they ever do find Planet X it’ll always just be a point of light in a telescope in my lifetime.

Yeah, I know James is in the UK. But he usually publishes the post at around 9AM EST. Recently, it has been later than that; today, it was published at almost 10AM EST. I started taking note of it since I had no better use of my time :-P

I was wondering why my convection oven wasn’t producing clouds.

TLJ was bad, as soon as Disney realize this, they will start making good SW movies. But Disney has given Rian Johnson 3 more movies, so SW is pretty much screwed. 

I wondered if there was just something a little incongruous about releasing TLJ, a film that breaks away from the main trilogy almost completely, promising a new and (depending on your opinion) exciting direction, and then going right by to the well of original characters with Solo. 

I think they have to go from the beginning to go after war, otherwise there is just not enough for anyone other than existing fans to get into it, that said at least this time they might not have to deal with the great divide, it would be funny if they literally flew over it..

When shooting The Phantom Menace, they decided Ray’s voice just didn’t have the right timbre they were looking for for Maul’s character, so they brought in Peter Serafinowicz to dub him over. And since Sam Witwer voiced Maul for all of The Clone Wars and Rebels, he was the obvious choice for a seamless transition back

Ray Park is Scottish, with a bit of a Glaswegian accent.

Peter Serafaniowc (Can’t spell it. He was in Guardians of the Galaxy as one of the Nova Corps. He voiced him).

His voice is actually higher pitched. I can see why they got someone more threatening sounding to do it.

In Episode I, Peter Serafinowicz was the voice of Darth Maul. Ray Park’s voice is somewhat different from Maul’s. You can hear Park’s actual voice in the first X-Men where he played Toad.

It highlights that they’ve not really thought through how their current show fits in with the rest.

My handwavey explanation for Discovery being so advanced is that it was a secret-ish science ship researching advanced tech for war and such.

I liked the theory in the video that TOS took place in an era of increased need for data security, and thus more things were kept as physical documents. More generally, I find the notion of some event causing the “regression” of the broad technology in use. Though I expect we’ll never see such a thing happening, I

I rather like that detail in the original series. It was, I think, meant to mimic the challenges faced by the sailing ships of the 18th and 19th centuries, which could be weeks or months at sea, and years from the homeland. Thus, a ship’s captain was the full expression of the law and authority of the nation or king

And here I was thinking it was used to cover up an Ocean’s 11 style heist, which itself was a cover up of an undead priest’s attempt to resurrect a dark deity, which itself was a cover up of the dark deity attempting to gain a foothold in this realm to break ancient accords with primordial keepers of the elements,

Well, I beg to disagree, good sir.

I think it depends on what you do behind the anonymity. I mean, my account here is me, in all but name. It’s a pseudonym, not a “fake account”; all info, knowledge, thoughts are the same as you would get from me face-to-face. Where-as others create entire fake lives.