
You sir or madam have read these books multiple times and get them. What a great summation. Well done.

I came here to say this. He’d fit right in with Yularen and Coburn. Competent naval officers.

The other thing really, really great about Pellaeon is that he grows. It’s been some years since reading the Thrawn books but I remember Pellaeon as basically being your standard Imperial officer. Follows orders but doesn’t really think for himself. Learning under Thrawn allowed him to get out of that. I guess he

I really like this argument for Pellaeon. True, the beginning of the first series sort of puts him in the “dumb nut” role, but he grew from that and developed well. And yes, he does show that moderate influences within even a bad organization can lead to good outcomes when listened to. Granted, it isn’t always that

“Winter Isn’t Even Breathing Hard” might be even better.

Things the prequels were good at:

Yup, a cold war scenario was even one of the fan theories/ rumors back when the first info leaked through, I think. Some here had the idea that the Starkiller base might not belong the baddies, but the New Republic, as a stand-in for nukes. But that would have been a bit too morally grey and “real” for Star Wars, I

Star Trek: First Contact is the single best Star Trek movie. Fight me.

I hate how literally dark this show is. Turn on some fucking lights on the set. They even gave the captain an eye condition to justify having no lights on their fucking ship. You know there’s a problem when the Klingon ship looks like a happier place to be. BTW The Orville is great.

No I agree with you, and I’m half joking. But in the context of The Last Jedi, what difference would it make if Snoke was The First Jedi, Darth Plageuis, or Jar Jar Binks? The outcome still ends up the same. Him dead and cleaved in twain like a baby Darth Maul. If you want to know more about him, and I do, there will

From a Sith perspective, successfully assassinating your master makes you a worthy apprentice.

Ah, yes, The Force deconstructed. Gone are the silly rules. The black and white, replaced by huge greys.

Rian Johnson could have fixed some of those issues from TFA.... but instead we get a rehash of ESB and ROTJ. The whole state of the Galaxy is left so vague that, frankly, why should I give a damn. What exactly are the stakes? Such an odd movie.

I don’t know why or how people put their own limits on what The Force can do. It’s explained in the OT that it is literally the manipulation of the universe when someone uses it.

Well that scene where she sees the duality of the force has me thinking otherwise.

Maybe she’s both light and dark. Maybe that’s what the force wants—> yin and yang with each part having a little of both. Maybe ultimately for the story arches to finally end will be a balance of the force. Each of the other trilogies ended with either light or dark winning. The force needs to be balanced.

The Star Wars universe is vast enough where there’s plenty of tales and storylines to explore without them feeling like constant retreads and rehashes. Even if they some day get to releasing 2 Star Wars movies every year, I don’t think audiences will tire of them as long as they are still quality (same formula as the

...a lot of her scenes would have been more interesting if they had Leia guiding Rey towards her destiny instead of someone we’d never met before.

Define “Star Trek movie”, please. There is no such thing. The best Star Trek feature films were produced and directed by people who were not fans of the original material (e.g., TOS). And those who want a movie about discovery and exploration and galactic harmony are going to be disappointed and incensed that drama

Or just tell a good story and let the rest take care of itself.