
“It’s still, honestly, a bit underwhelming...”

How about a proper continuation, or atleast final season of Universe? As one of it’s dozen fans, I really want to know what happens..

But what about Lolth as our Demogorgon replacement?!?!

Klingons are really the only Trek villains who have deeply permeated into pop culture Ask some average person on the street to name as many Trek aliens as they can, they’ll probably say, “Vulcans, Klingons, and...Wookies?”

yes, because movies about space knights and an old man with a giant bear for a best friend and an adorable rolling robot REALLY needs scenes of astronomical demonstrations. Get the butts in the seats with lectures!

They need to add the scene of people on Tatooine looking at the sky and watching Coruscant explode >_>

Damn: that’s the first time I’ve read that one ! (today...)

Steven Jay Page resembles that remark!

J. Jonah Abrams

This is a wonderful idea for how to work a reboot of this beloved series. Bravo!

Steve and George have asked me to ask you to stop.

That split-timeline plot is by far the best idea on this comments section. Then the actor who played the younger version of Indy in it becomes the full Indy in the next movie. That’s a really nice, smooth, painless transition to a reboot. Brilliant.

Short Round, mentored by aging Jones, trying to save some magic Chinese artifact from destruction during the cultural revolution is such an obvious direction for a sequel and it drives me crazy that it will never happen

This “official” Star Wars merchandise all look like knockoff Star Wars merchandise.

I didn’t think the Hand’s objectives were confusing. It was pretty clear what they were going for. My issue with it is that the story wasn’t as solid as it should have been. I thought it was okay but could have been better. I think this was the series that would have benefitted from 13 episodes so that they could

That’s because, unlike the EU timeline, the new canon has Leia not training as a Jedi at all. If she had, she likely would have died in the purge of Luke’s new Jedi academy. She probably never had and never will have, a light saber.

Yeah, I didn’t think it was all that confusing. The writers were stringing out the position so that the audience would have as much knowledge as the team. Also, it was pretty clear that the writers wanted the audience to think of the Hand as an international organized crime syndicate with mob bosses that just happened

I would watch a spin off of “The Hand” that explores their roles and escapades during the exile before the events of all the netflix shows..

Exactly. Plus, the need “the substance” in order to be brought back to life if they die/or remain immortal (I don’t think it was clear which one it was - like they could use the substance and nothing could kill them maybe?) It was especially urgent for Alexandra since she had been diagnosed with some sort of

I guess if you don’t count the female Valar, Melian, Luthien, Morwen, Idril, Elwing...