
1. The Original Guardians lived in the future 31th century, of an alternate universe to boot.

Well there was the implication that they were more than just retired Space Pirates and that Yondu changed the perception of the entire group when he started doing jobs for Ego.

Nah, the Skywalkers are Swedish. Or at least Shmi was.

Being able to publish negative data is really important in science, even though it rarely happens. The only real way to publish negative data is as supplemental data in an article that also contains positive results. So you put the results that “work” (meaning gave you substantive positive results) in the main body

Yeah. Ford’s role in the story is absolutely not sidekick stuff. He directs the action for most of the first two books, leading Arthur around and initiating the plot even in the third book. In later books he’s arguably relegated to sidekick status, as Arthur becomes more independent, but at first Arthur is very

there was a big debate on some show (Big Bang Theory?) about how Superman shaves, since normal razors wouldn’t hold up to his Kryptonian hair follicles. i think they landed on “he reflects his heat vision off of a mirror and burns off his facial hair”

solution: digitally add the mustache to scenes filmed earlier. it’s probably easier from a technical standpoint.

We can just hand wave this as super-testosterone. Superman shaves it off then during every battle it grows back.

As someone who hasn’t bought the physical rulebooks, I’d be interested in this. But as you said, if I already owned them I’d be pissed to buy them again.

T’Pol not T’Pel. T’Pel is a different Vulcan.

Yeah, but its Wizards of the Coast. If they can make more money by not tying digital copies to physical books, then they will do just that.

Beyond is a bit, well, beyond just publishing rules.

Capaldi is the 14th incarnation. Count ‘em.

I think that’s where it’s going as well. A male POC.

He and Slartibartfast used to hang out and compare notes.


I hope we get a Beyond sequel. Beyond was the best blockbuster of last year, and a damn good movie in general. It’s not our fault Paramount barely marketed it.

It was entertaining but I didn’t found it scary at all. What jump scares are you talking about? I really want to know because honestly I don’t remember one. Also think the opposite about Jekyll/Hyde. I found Hyde kind of cartoony, it would have been better if Hyde was darker (and even better smarter) than what we got.

One of the things I loved the most about the 1999 Rachel Weisz Mummy was the practical effects and the beautiful scenery. So often, having less money for special effects improves the way the film looks. I think the only really big set piece in the whole movie was when they were being chased by the Mummy-shaped cloud

Well, that one in the 1950's had Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. They tend to get the most out of the material they are given...