This is why moral relativity is dangerous "we did something horrible but they did something way more horrible, so don't talk to me about the horrible things we did"
This is why moral relativity is dangerous "we did something horrible but they did something way more horrible, so don't talk to me about the horrible things we did"
I don't want to compare anyone to Nazi's, but to insinuate that America's exceptionalism and nationalism has never been abused or appropriated as justification for nefarious purposes is pretty naive.
That's a very interesting analogy, but I think it fails because the South was never ashamed about slavery like the Germans were over the holocaust. Instead of horro, introspection, and shared guilt, the South bore sore feelings, Yankee resentment, and built a historical myth instead.
I wonder what Germans think of the popularity of displaying the Confederate flag in the American South. It's obviously not quite the same thing, but it seems like it would be similar to people there displaying the flag of Nazi Germany (if it weren't illegal).
Do you not see the irony in claiming that the Germans bought nationalist propaganda that they were the best "hook, line, and sinker" while Americans routinely pronounce their country the greatest and American exceptionalism is endorsed by most politicians? The author's point is that the Germany's defeat in WWII has…
..and here children we have a classic secondary browser troll using a "hot" burner , today being the 4th of July, he has named himself 'Murica. Ralph don't touch that.
Notice the short sentences burst and the inept ending opinion, which ignores the past fifty years of military scenarios in Southeast Asia, the Middle…
The 1st one yes, the 2nd was too soon and in hindsight smells a little of wanting to see the difference between a uranium and plutonium bomb.
That's really funny. First of all you as a person do not finish shit unless you are about 80 years old and actually fought in that war. Second of all the history of US wars since WWII is one where the US start wars and do not successfully finish them all that much. But since you are writing about the biggest…
That War of Northern Aggression line was a joke...
As a resident of the great state of South Carolina—epicenter of the War of Northern Aggression—I must point out that Mr. Montgomery broke the first law of SC automobiling: minorities, especially imposing and colossal ones, have no place talking to police officers, especially dimwitted and…
This just in : Dallas Police Department releases statement, "We apologize for the mix up , but it was an honest mistake. I'm sure we can be forgiven for this minor issue since they all look alike."
What the fuck are POLICE doing issuing "BREAKING" tweets or tweeting about arrests AT ALL? Are they playing the social media game now? Trying to get more Twitter followers? Drumming up interest for their own TMZ style show?
Seems to me that defaming a person because you think it's cool that your department got to arrest without double checking his fucking name is eminently worthy of a shit-canning.
I do not understand this line of thought at all, but to each their own, right? I've never blanched at being called a male... because I am one. Never blanched at being called white either, because I'm white. I guess I don't understand what's so inherently disempowering about being called a female. Why is woman or…
Oh...that's it? Did he have an invisible hatchet or something?
People are dead, bro.
Many of the ESPN blowhards who talk sports but don't actually watch the sports or know how to breakdown basketball film and intricacies, were picking the Heat (Mike & Mike are prime examples). But most of the ESPN personalities that are more hardcore hoops analysts, were picking the Spurs. (Nearly 15% picked the…
So all teams need to do is get a group of really talented players, an all-time great coach, and a great GM to get role players on good contracts?
Mamma mia, this is one spicy take.
Is the headline translated to "Japanese Fubu Warrior Wrecks Shit, Slays Pussy, Is Greatest Human Ever"? Because if not, it should be.