I feel like a lot of the issues on these articles are huge reaches because they generate clicks.
I feel like a lot of the issues on these articles are huge reaches because they generate clicks.
That’s my take as well. Plus The Turning was supposed to be a rip-off of Mortal Kombat because Druckman said they didn’t want to have to build a version of it in the DLC and pay the licensing so they just made a fake game that’s basically the same thing. Plus, what works in the DLC of imagining the game because the…
What a cynical way to look at things, lol.
Mortal Kombat’s huge impact is far more likely to ignite some sort of emotional response from TV viewers than a fake game that is mentioned a couple times on a videogame they probably didn’t play.
My man’s out here, with reckless abandon ruining his career, at minimum, for Monopoly money he probably wasn’t even able to use. Wild. Also hold these lawyer fees and restitution payouts and a permanent “swipe left” on your resume. Hope it was worth it!
And with the current state of crypto that $17,500 worth of electricity is now worth about $3.50 and a couple of JPGs of some ugly ass monkeys.
Guarantee he spouts off about the “rise and grind” or “hustle” lifestyle while failing to mention mommy and daddy give him 100 grand a month or some shit.
If ever there was a time to “press ‘F’ to pay respects,” now is that time.
Lol, zero sympathy for this guy. The “Work Harder” writing under the wing is all I need to know to have a good idea of what this individual is like.
People aren’t GameStop’s most precious resource.
Single staffing a retail store is dangerous and stupid. Especially when that single employee is there for nearly 12 hours. Good for her. Your life is worth more than a pittance from a company that doesn’t care about you in the slightest.
Its not about taking his video games away, he was caught multiple times trying to contact witnesses against him in his case to “reconnect” and more than likely try to pay them off to prevent them from testifying
in what universe is restricting access to LOL not a reward?
What a weird way to position the PSVR2 as if it’s only intended audience is children. There are... literally millions of grown adults that play games on consoles and I assume some percentage of them are interested in a VR headset.
They’re burning down the banana stand as we speak.
Is this only Netflix US? Cause if it stays on Netflix in the UK, that can mean only one thing:
Does Netflix need money to keep it around? There’s always money in the banana stand.
Seriously, there are facts that we can argue about but just straight up making shit up is a horrible look.
counterpoint-counterpoint-counterpoint. But it’s your friend’s PS5 storage that gets copied to.
“You could hear them giggling the whole time”