Awwwwwww. :(
Awwwwwww. :(
Doesn’t seem like it if you’re on here posting all the damn time. LOL
Yup. Like Mac stuff. I don’t got all that time or good memory for that.
Nah. I’m good.
Petty?? Over all that money. Okaaaaay.
Yeah, spend money and your time on the frame than the check. LULz.
Don’t listen to the author. Buy the cheapest one. Replace the SSD. Buy an Anti-glare/screen protector. Use saved money to buy a Samsung 512 micro SD card or games.
Then you people use the picture of the giraffe as the article picture. LOL
Shit. If this dude has a chance with her......The commoners do.
Love spoiling things. /s
I went in 2004 they did not say anything to me.. Inside or outside.
That face alone is scary enough...
To be fair most AI art stuff is junk. You into bit coins too?
No shit. JFC.
It does not look incredible. Looks like some flash into to a webgame.
Mission Viejo? jk. Ouch.
3k for 1 room? JFC. Where do you live? Lastly fuck HOAs.