Californian here. I often call everyone dude.
Californian here. I often call everyone dude.
Man, the JP ride Flight of the Dinosaur is pretty crazy. One of the best rides I’ve been on and I live in LA with all these theme parks.
Hey!!!!! You’re not allowed to make sense here!! When there’s clicks to be had!!
No reason, but you bought both........okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay......
I know. I worded that wrong, but people know what they’re doing for the most part...
Okay, But, they are getting banned for selling something..... IDK abut the multiple logins, but why would take more than 3 people log into one account? I get kids and friends and stuff, but that many? It sucks but people should not be sharing all that crap, but then again, I’m a single dude with no kids and I earn my…
The digital copies here on sale on iTunes. Booooooooooo!! a few days ago. I bult mine up over there years for this reason. lol
Why does this guy dressed up like the Warden from Superjail??!!
He forgot about my homies in North Korea!!
Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’re going to be further disappointed with the xbox list...
Busy mess? Seems less messy than the PS4. Maybe they’ll fix it. IDK about the new Xbox, but it is way freaking less messy than an XB1.
Dude said miles are 137,xxx and really is 164,xxx. That’s the wurst part.
Its the same thing basically a ps button press and two left pushes and confirmations. Relax.
Glad I don’t live anywhere with snow.
Do you have “Omega Class ζ Bitch Asshole” saved on notepad? You just copy and paste when needed? LOL
It doesn’t even look good. It looks like feathers more than fur.
GD negative Nelly. Easy game for kids. Included with PSN+
Mine is on a Fedex truck now. :)