
They have to go through this? Really? Like taking the stats, costs, and facts from Audi or Jaguar was not valuable? Is anybody kind enough to try out the same process with the Bluecar that is used for car-sharing in Indianapolis?

And yet, Aluminum is welded everyday. It is not like it is witchcraft.

I would like to have seen Travis smash a 2014 steel-bodied Ford as well. Take both trucks in, compare repair costs.

That was 100% absolutely fucking utterly useless without a conclusion. I want my 2 minutes back assholes!

ESPN is now $6, and ESPN2 is another $0.75. So just between those two channels, Sling TV is charging $7/month. That's INSANE.

If someone makes something like this that includes a dedicated auto racing channel for live races.. they have my money. Until then, I'll stick with Netflix and free streaming websites for live events

Dixon is a god amongst men when it comes to saving fuel yet still being fast so Ganassi still probably would have won the race anyway.

I'm curious how you think Ganassi didn't deserve to win. All of their strategy calls and Dixon saving fuel were what gave them the lead with 70 minutes remaining.

Someone didn't do their job. This is big time racing. It's not F1 or NASCAR, but it's still big money. They spent a lot of money to win. Someone's going to be looking for a new job.

I enjoyed this so much.

The live feed on IMSA is down, so you HAVE to watch the end of the race on FS1. I'd rather read about it here than give Fox a dime of my money for their commercial laden pile of shit broadcasts.

I see he did not get them memo about ending up on Jalopnik.

yea, he's been a menace. Bill isn't wrong. That said I appreciated his bump draft move to split the Corvettes earlier.

Christ. As a former dealership service manager:

Um no, just incorporate some of this:

:/ I really want to buy some Microsoft stock too, but their longterm outlook just doesn't look as good as Apple

Ask Jason sometime about how little police care when cars get stolen.

Holy god, that was the most canned, rehearsed-sounding speech I've heard in a long while. The tone and cadence were pure Sally Struthers PSA. I kept expecting her to tell us that for just pennies a day, we could ensure that poor Iowa school children would have more than one pair of shoes.

Great if you leave the wheels on when you work on your car. 90% of the time that's not the case for me. I also like to jack the car up just once. Jacking the car up to slide these under, then jacking them up is to many steps.