
Jealous, much?

Need one to go check the mail box bad.....

That system would alter the audio depending on road speed and wind noise, so....

Meh...porking a stack of slow moving PVC tubes is a long ways from dealing with a rotating supersonic missile where the heat is less likely to be instantly concentrated on one spot on the body.

Two engines....imagine that.

They also said the reason they're not passing on fuel savings to consumers is so they can 'improve infrastructure'.

Nowadays, I'm just not sure.

Comparing little used cabs in a city with roads designed during the gold rush era to well used cabs in real cities helps to illustrate just how hard it is to get anywhere here. Funny how long cabs last when no one actually uses them.

Not sure what all the ruckus is about - everyone knows that trying to get around city streets sucks the big one here, regardless of who drives.

≠1 - It even has the 3rd brake light on the rear deck.

See all that dust? Sand is a hooner's best friend and this vid has more than enough.

Hey, Susie! Cheat like the big boys and try a bit of sand next time.

Weee will, weeee will KILL you....bam! KILL you bam! Lead on the left, lead on the right, you can't hide and we'll blast you all night...

Thanks for the reply, but I'm asking about the thumbnails. I don't see an 'i' on them?

Pontiac OnFire?

Put the black wheels on the yellow one and we can talk.

Is there a reason they don't tag the thumbs, with at least a mouse over....? Or is my browser not supported?

>but you can't add anything to the already finished tooling because of costs?

Blue leather in Thunderbirds, FTMFW.

Real cars haven't been used in real settings for press photos/videos like this for ages, since Toyota used a snowblower-faked snow storm in their 'Oh What a Feeling!' commercials back in the 80's.