
Yes, we need better wheels....we may also need better engineers, too.

Well, that makes it official. I'll have to buy one..

Yep, it's a problem, alright...

Can't wait for race organizers to add a HANS throwing booth to the midways.

Lots of tire slashings in one part town here....waiting for them to bust a tire dealer over it.

Altered? Not if you pull the report yourself, which you should always do.

CarFax being cheaper than an inspection at a shop, this is good advice.

If they had any sense they'd have stripped the cats...

Sounds like an insurance scam to me.

Are wheel thefts that big of a problem these days?

Read the last line matt wrote above, thanks. Not talking about 1910. Talking about hurdles trying it today.

Because, you know, the US pilots would never do the same...

'desperate' ...or smart as that guy that raised $40k for potato salad...

If she's looking for suggestions....lifetime subscription to the anal bleaching flavor of the month club, for starters.

...but the project has many hurdles before it becomes a reality.

Or, ya' know, you could just drop acid and let it happen without all this nonsense.

I fully applaud anyone's excuse/desire/desperation to get the hell out of Portland, even at the risk of having to place their precious **** and knees in recovery.

Dunno...maybe the husband shot the staffer a glance before he left him alone with his wife.