
This one would do 108 mph, to be exact. Great autocross gears, but lousy for running the coast compared to other rides I've had.

Donuts? Amateur...

Evel (not evil, thanks) rode more than one rocket bike, so...

At least we know who to blame for the idea behind the plymouth prowler.

I mean hey, if you offer to pay a German to sit in a turd for an hour and a half, they'll probably do it.


Reviewer-bloggers on any gawker branded site are not journalists and likely not held to similar standards.

I agree...it won't be twenty. Given the increase in converting flight-duty pilots to drone duty it's bound to happen sooner.

Lucky me I guess...I managed to not read any of them.

My brother's '68 Land Rover Late 2A has the steering wheel on the right side. It's not that bad driving around here in the PNW - I get used to it quickly. It's fun when I ride along with him driving and wave to other drivers with both hands while sitting on the left.

How long is it and how much does it weight and which came first...it or the Lincoln MKVIII?

So, we're foregoing goofy UFO souvenirs from Roswell and heading out on the I-40 for a long, tedious slow burn out to the East.

Speaking of Kyle, who just said elsewhere ...

"...the most Jalopnik car show at Pebble this side of Concours d'LeMon..."

Simple explanation. SensoryMax conned Lincoln into shilling for their brand.

You couldn't wait until after today to bring this up?

Any bets on which municipality will be the first to buy one of these as a freeway flyer...arms race and all that.