
I've lived for years in Japan, South Korea and finally China. It's interesting to watch Beijing because they seem to study what goes on in other countries and come up with their own twist on policies, etc. that work for others.

Where $$ is in involved, motives run the gamut in any country.

No wonder the price of bacon keeps going up...wonder how many bacon lovers know they're helping burn rubber instead ;)

Just the opposite....it was bribes that let them jack up prices in the first place. Beijing is just trying to right that ship and more power to them.

It's an inside joke that most won't get...

Theories like these are constructed in order to explain, perceive, predict and master phenomena. In many instances, theories are seen to be a model of reality.

Hollywood star almost bitten by dog....be sure to spell his name correctly, thanks.

Yay...yet another crowd-funded vaporware that the public will never get their hands on.

At least that's not as cruel as in the US where you're forced to stare at brunhilda-the-unibrow-queen clerk for 45 minutes while waiting for her to call your name.

Good idea, but remember....this isn't a news website, so you may need to lower expectations.

Speaking of the 70's - There were four of us and one large German Shepard named Levi in a van late one night, with commerce on our minds and a kilo of pot....cops lit us up and we pulled over, but not until we hid the pot under the Levi-the-large dog and told her 'stay!'. This dog was so loyal she'd ear her own scat

I'm sure there are many wannabe-Uber drivers that will be snatching up any 4-door cheapies soon enough.

Nasty ticket....jail time... You're lucky they didn't confiscate the vehicle and I'm not going to ask how you liked being made someone's bitch-behind-bars.

Aahssstonne wins no contest.