
Here's what I recommend: Sell all your stuff, rent an exotic car and tear **** across the U.S., and then use whatever money you have left over to buy new stuff.

It's an interesting cultural phenomena , that's for sure.

Sure, Kia and Hyundai made pretty pitiful excuses for cars for a long time but that is no longer the case. They're very competitive within their segments, and offer one of the best warranties in the game.

Bad idea?

It takes longer when the website that is supposed to decode the VIN to check for recalls is busted.

Really want it...what are kidneys going for right now?

I hear you.

Despite your low opinion of the general public, your acting as explainer for the CDC in this thread isn't helping your argument - please stop making Ebola sound like it is somehow not 'as dangerous' - it is that precise cavalier and casual rhetoric that pushes protocol aside in the real world.

Pages, as one example, will add a reflection for you, so you can skip that step. As for background, yeah, do something besides park the item on a bedspread covered in dog hair.

Voir la photo, mon ami...bat vitesse.

>that's not what was being discussed

hahahah - "no-drive list for you!"

How about putting the TSA in charge of the line to get in...

The addition of speedbumps every hundred yards ought to do it...

The title implied that, not me. And yes, what the click-bait title states is untrue, thanks for confirming my point - I owe you :)


Since it wasn't mentioned here, I tried to find out what this thing weighs. Found one link stating that GM/Cadillac "obsessed over grams". Decided to go straight to the horse and finally found prelim 'Details' (specs?) on cadillac.com where it lists hp, leg room etc. numbers and finally an interesting value for curb

Some of those killed included fire dept. personnel that had responded to a suspected gas leak...one explosion was right on top of them, apparently.

I think you missed the recent multiple examples of mishandled pathogens by the CDC which has admitted ignoring their own safety protocols, so it's of no help to say they can be trusted.

If you re-read the topic title, they don't have brakes.