
If you RTF topic title, they don't have brakes. The FA says they've been 'replaced'. See the problem now?

Without brakes you'll have collision. Collision brings havoc. Havoc breeds risk. Risk breeds cost. Cost breeds waste. Waste breeds disinterest. Disinterest breeds hindrance. Hindrance breeds not doing anything. Not doing anything means this is DOA.

More about gawker than you, actually. At least you know that without seals/gaskets, oil _will_ leak from an engine.

Pot...meet kettle.

Not just the button...what about the seat/belt sensor(s)?

I'm sorry - Did I interrupt you eating a burger?

...finally...someone gets the joke :)


Oh, you mean this version?

Late model VW beetle - aka "girl's car"

This one really is a Moped...

Agreed - also note they were brought in to 'optimize the process', which I take as rounding off the edges to make it more efficient where it will then be applied to all service facilities. A good thing all around.

Haven't you heard? Driver's Ed is dead. Self-driving cars are right around the corner.

Those cops could use a lesson from this guy...

....want to know...how did you con Aston Martin into believing you're a legitimate individual?

Right-hand drive?

Sounds like a great guy to have here for Q & A.