
The last couple years have been the worst of my life. I won’t detail it, but the amount of crushing sadness and some of the thoughts that went through my head daily were slowly and completely taking over my life. I drove to the gym (which was my positive place) one day and just sat in my car and sobbed, because I

lol relax ... she wasn’t making art with that comment, I was talking strictly about the comment not her use of snake imagery. I’m also not in favour of either side I was just pointing out she wanted to be excluded from the narrative but now she wants to use it in her speeches at her concerts- you legitimately can’t

I love Rashida. I bet Pixar was overwhelmed with relief when they started reading, but then she hit them with that last sentence like:

After 10 years, I finished paying off my student loans today! *High fives all around*

Dont do it if you don’t want to but don’t be a buzzkill. Bread and roses, bread and roses.

This is hair splitting we cannot afford. A vagina is funny, but would be immediately dismissed. Picture a sea of kitty ears in Planned Parenthood pink marching on Washington. Pretty powerful visual signal.

Pro tip: if you want to try this yourself but are a new knitter, go for Super Bulky yarn. That’s the weight of the yarn and there are several brands at Joanns and Michaels that come in super bulky weight and great pink colors. It will be easier to learn the stitches and will knit up much more quickly. Here’s a free

She is afraid public will learn Brad is not the father of any of her children. - Maury

I met him when he was part of Wham on their first US tour. This story cracks me up because I can’t imagine it happening like this today: we called all the best hotels in our city, asking for his given name, till reception put us through. Found! So we went downtown, waited at his hotel. His family was on tour with him

Now playing

I’m not sure where you live in this wide world, but if you are in the US, it can be hard to find the “Kissing a Fool” video, the links always come back as “Not available in your country” or something. It is a stunning song, though. ANd the video is simply perfect.

No. That tree is fugs. I would have liked a Lemonade tree with quotes such as “Boy, bye”, “Death to side chicks”, “Becky with the good hair”, “You ain’t married to no average bitch, boy” and the like.

Wait, when did this kind of behavior become cute and delightful? Because nah, this shit isn’t cute and delightful. It doesn’t matter who does it - it’s childish.

I see you added to your original reply, so I’ll add to mine. Yes, I called you a liar, because claiming a mean little jab was “just a joke” seemed exactly that. But you’ve stuck to your guns, so let’s downgrade to “disingenuous.”

That’s what I look like when the BBQ is almost done.

Eh, they shouldn’t boo him — he has as much right to vote as anyone. No one should be booed for exercising that right. Not even Donnie.

I would argue that if those other artists were so talented then they wouldn’t have been outshone by anyone. She just showed up and sang a song that has some very strong country elements to it. Didn’t do anything wildly controversial. Just sang a song. With other country artists.

That explains how the Olsen twins know her. They must be part of the same support group.

Maybe she was hoping he’d have a heart attack walking back to the reception.

Gives groom extra time to back out

You don't seem to understand women. I'm much more likely to be attracted to/sleep with someone who makes me laugh.