
After choking down the distaste in my mouth I went to her website to find more ammunition to hate her. One thing she says that I agree with is, "She's a mom who makes no excuses for making her health a priority." This is WRT to who a No Excuse Mom is.

I'll take camel toe over Barbie Bush.

All I'm saying is, it sounds fishy. Salaries of 72,000 is pretty low. Not so for one person, but if you are employing 2-3 ppl , that's pretty low. So I am wondering if her mom is billed as a consultant. Which is an easy and common way to pay friends, relatives and boyfriends innocuously .

My question is, who were the strategic and philanthropic consultants? It better not be her mom and some bullshit business under another name ran by her mom.

How do you walk uphills both ways? If you walk up a hill, don't you come down it?

Wait a sec. She's a photographer? Well then she should have ironed the sheets. I am totally disappointed at the lack of attention to details.

they probs slip some cough syrup in the milk bottle. check out the glossy eyes. I kid.....they probably took 47 frames of each scene.

I don't understand. Why wouldn't you just look in the mirror to evaluate a new hair do or lipstick?

To be fair, Halle didn't mention Wesley (at least not in the quotes in the linked article)

Same outfit as HOC only with a sweater on. Not impressed Baby Olivia. Try harder!

You should check out Monster in Law.

I don't know if she've pulled off a serious actor track though. Out of Sight was in her wheel house and I would argue that the chemistry with Clooney was undeniable.

Because....lawsuit for psychological damage coming in 3, 2, 1.

Ha! That is true. No one can get true statistics on success rates. I can't believe that the media respects this boundary either. I mean, good for them but I wish they would quit climbing trees to look into private yards. That is why I stopped watching E News and ET etc. I won't buy tabloids either. And I don't

That's pretty much what happened and it's a real shame. You would think the coach would be sympathetic and offer her a sounding board. Being Sophomore and a lesbian. She could've made a positive difference is this girl's life. Shame on her.

If she was hetro and they told called the mom in, would that also constitute a violation of her privacy?

argh, that is really awful. and i'm not just talking about his leg warmers and flip flop situation.

Someone below said a British tabloid publish some of Naomi Campbell and she sued and won.

Has there been any paparazzi photos of anyone going to an AA meeting? I know TMZ does not take those types of photos. Harvey has come out and said that it's a line he won't cross. He will not try to take anyone's photo while they are in rehab either. I believe he is a recovering alcoholic himself.

Do you expect people to call Tom Cruise Ethan Hunt in real life? No, because that's a character he plays. So why wouldn't Jessica have a name for her character when she's performing? If she wished to remain anonymous, why would she have a blog and talk about her boyfriend?