That video always gives me the chills. In a good kinda way.
That video always gives me the chills. In a good kinda way.
So what you're doing is a public service announcement? Saving the unwashed masses from themselves? :D
What makes you say it's an Aero? I haven't seen any of them with the vertical plastic ridges on the rear multi-piece bumper - where the panel gap comes down from the rear light cluster. Same goes for the front, though it's barely visible on this photo. The wheels, however, are prolly the shallower version of Super…
Also, nice seeing a Locost, props to the builder, but this one doesn't really tickle my fancy. It's NP, but personally, I want to build one myself, so, uh, CP? No, NP. Aaaah.
How about this analogy: Fake synthesised engine noise from speakers equals a boob job, while the systems that actually channel exhaust sound into the cockpit are more like push-up bras. Which would you rather? :)
Don't really have time for the entire article right now, Torch, but I gotta say something about this: "Does anyone like power window controls in between the seats?"
Hah, never thought of actually checking. :D Brilliant.
You guys sure this Dolores is a person? I mean, the offender. She may well be the namesake of this company:
Pffft :D
Are those Alpina wheels?
There's loads in Italy as well, seeing as how it's Italian. Other parts of Europe, not so much. :) I do believe they were initially designed by pretty much adding a 'truck' bed and cab onto a widened, three wheeled Vespa.
Man... I'm kinda disappointed. The whole rally schtick within the VAG was given to Skoda's Fabia, only to have it stay in the Super 2000 class. After all the hard work, it doesn't get the WRC nod? Even with all the Skoda's rally history? Meh.
Was just looking at that. Badass. :D
There has been so much discussion regarding the road legality of these vehicles, but considering what kinda bizzaro stuff people in the US do to their cars and still maintain legality, couldn't an individual simply acquire a title for a sedan and portray the wagon's arse as a modification. Or get a rear-ended sedan…
Lovely DS. :) Terrible way to hide the plates. Yes, I will keep bitching about this. Terrible cotomer servis.
That obviously works as well. :)
Amen again, brother. :) At least, if the Aston is closer to the entrance, it's parked at a point where more paths converge, so there's a higher chance it might bring a smile to someone's face.