
I was a spectator at The Lamest Day in 2009. I had my first LeMons team the following April at Gingerman, where we took home the Heroic Fix trophy.

It’s honestly amazing how even a little bit of water can obscure something like a car for so long. Ten feet of water is the height from my floors to my ceiling, plus one foot. That’s not very deep.

The first mistake you made was taking right-wingers anti-government stance seriously. They’re all fascists. They’re not really against government, they just want a government that protects them and throws everyone else in prison or kills them. None of them are for abolishing the military or police. Their goal is

This kid needs a baseball bat to the knees.

Some kind of joke about Rogers and Hammerguy...

I feel like a lot of these comments made it only a few episodes and stopped watching. If you can make it to the second half of season 1 it turns into a very different show. Season 2 is kind of the same. First half is meh and then it gets going again.

I’m surprised the cops didn’t arrest the pilots and charge them with destroying their property.

My front neighbor got his pilot license last year, bought a Piper Cherokee and I flew with him with his instructor for a few hours round trip. At some point his navigational skills were off so he was heading nearly 60 degrees off path for 5 minutes before the instructor chimed in essentially saying “You’ve been off

See this is why you don’t put your Camry floor mats in your Cessna 208 floatplane. He’s just lucky that de Havilland was there to stop him before he careened into the Blockbuster one dock over.

forget just not being friends...I’m surprised this person wasn’t murdered 

IIRC this episode was filmed on David Tracy’s property.  They didn’t have to do any setup. 

He’ll be crying all the way to Williams if the rumors are to be believed, that Russell is already on contract with Merc. And unless Kimi retires, Bottas won’t have much of a choice.

*Bottas stops 15mm outside the designated area for a pitstop, 3 out of 4 wheel gunners have no problem*

my personal ranking

3 or 4 come-alongs, a bucket full of wedges and about 40 square feet of 1 inch plate and I could have that sucker fixed up just right.

This was a few years ago so the conversion might not stack up exactly, but yeah, food is dirt cheap over there-

There will BE no response because she’s been murdered by Candyman! Does nobody in New York ever watch a damn movie? Yeah, it took place in Chicago but lessons can still be learned!

You’re equating Native Americans to animals. You’re part of the problem. 

This just in: water is wet.