
My point is in response to you saying “effectively a large lake that is the Black Sea is simply a act of aggression.”

In that case, I agree 100%. Certainly there are plenty of cars out on track with more horses than the tires/suspension/frame know what to do with.

As someone that thrashes a 168hp car around a track routinely, “526 hp” is not where I’d draw the line at a “good number”, where anything great is “less important” ;-)

I don’t have any doubts that “aggression” is a surprise consequence to the US Navy as an outcome to their actions. That said, the Black Sea is nothing like Lake Michigan. The U.S. is half a planet away from many of its allies, and relies on its large navy to have a presence in places it does not have land. The Black

Nothing says “scared” like the sound of camera shutters on a cool overcast day.

Awesome video and idea. But dude, buckle your chin strap!

Not a picture of your check, because that has your account number and whatnot and with the ability to do photo deposit now days, they could probably take your picture to the bank (electronically) and get money for it... which is just crazy.

The 5 series may be the “mid sized” of the BMW family, but even if BMW doesn’t make a bunch of smaller cars, there are plenty of companies that do. And even within BMW, if you look simply at passenger cars you have

BMW i7. It may not be the right postmodern, but I don’t think you can argue that it’s any sort of modern, in either tech, look, or ambition.

Exactly. I have a stripped down BMW E30. It’s unquestionable a driving machine. However, when I take the family on a 300 mile road trip to see my parents I do not want a machine, I want it to be quiet, smooth, and utterly pleasant to drive. It should still be fun and exciting. I shouldn’t be scared of on ramps, or

I know it’s not the definition of mid-sized, but to me the definition has always been “It’s mid sized if it can seat 4 adults comfortably”. So for example, most 5 series BMWs of the last 20 years have been shorter in length than a comparable age Mustang, but you can hardly fit a kid in the back seat of a Mustang, so

With a headline like that I was really expecting some advice or info on how to watch them. Perhaps if I had cable I could add obscure or second tier sports channels to get some of this stuff. But as a cord cutter I’m finding legal means to watch most of this completely absent.

Of course, trying to get someone to defend their opinion of beauty (or assuming that that’s what they’re doing) is rather silly.

What I am saying about preconceived notions is no one who has any reservation about the man made climate change narrative goes into that field because it’s at the bottom of the heap in terms of real groundbreaking science. As a result the field is an echo chamber.

Is it worth my time to undermine a highly funded large group of people who enter their field of study with preconceived notions about how the climate works?

Thanks for posting that! Here I was about to reply to him and state that intelligent conservatives may find offense at lumping a conservative political lean in with the idea that science should be rejected. Scientific reasoning may be beneficial or less convenient for one party or another, but science doesn’t follow

Some of these were so bad that I started feeling more sympathy for the customer than the mechanic. Some of those people are obviously in need of a lot of help :-\

I’m not an AV specialist either, but I’ve been in computing for (holy crap I can say this now) decades. We’ve been using “Higher Resolution” since before monitors had color! :) But that’s the thing, “high resolution” is relative to what came before. I don’t think it’s ever been used in the context of humans viewing

To a large degree it’s marketing, no doubt, but it’s also a useful term that I’m not aware of a synonym for. The definition being an image of such pixel density, and viewed at such a distance, that the average good human eye can not perceive an increase in resolution if it were applied.

If there is one thing Jackie Chan taught me, is that if I can’t see it in one shot, it’s probably fake. I have no doubt the guy is good, but come on, show me the highlights real where they filmed it all in one go. I want to see his actual reaction time in slow motion from shot to cut.