I believe the idea with these would be to facilitate "same hour deliver", not to replace trucks. So you might see something like
I believe the idea with these would be to facilitate "same hour deliver", not to replace trucks. So you might see something like
Patrick, I know you can park a car. Is it the McLaren influencing your parking abilities? Did you sign an agreement that you couldn't park normally?
Not nearly as much as I'd like to. Once a quarter I make 5 hour drives for work, 4.5 hours of that being on Freeways. Usually my iPad is packed too far out of reach, but sometimes I do. Usually I just prop it up in the right hand window though. If you're passing me on my left, you know I'm a good guy (if not weird and…
While I'm the kind of guy that has a large image of my state's "Slow Traffic Keep Right" sign on my iPad just so that I can inform my fellow highway compatriots of what the law is, there are also plenty of times where getting tailgated in the left most lane is possible. For example, out here we have many two lane…
Two or more lanes of traffic in either direction and not above 25 mph. Does such a road even exist?
The God argument is a pointless one, right now.
Watches are a bad example. A "Good" analog watch is going to be more complicated and more expensive than it's digital counterpart. An Analog watch is more akin to the digital technology we are discussing here in complexity and price. A digital watch is both cheaper and simpler to produce, sort of like a mirror.
Probably not possible due to money or legal threats, but I want to know if it can handle a track environment. I know it's not a sports car or meant as a track car, but for all its "insane speed" I want to know how long the breaks hold up, what sort of Latteral G it takes, and whether it under or over steers. There is…
Two followup thoughts on my post above.
I'll admit that using the speakers to produce exhaust notes for the cabin is... weird. My first thought was fake, and I hated it, and then I thought about my own experience.
While I agree the 4 digit PIN is silly, at least it's difficult to brute force a PIN. Most ATMs cut you off after a few failed attempts, and it'd be awkward to enter in 500 incorrect PINs (50-50 you have it at this point) before it finally works.
Well than I'll retract any sort of sympathy I might have felt for you as an individual ;-)
That sucks. I mean, I'd rather pay more for food and abolish tipping, but it especially sucks for you because I doubt many people categorize pizza deliver as the same type of service that a Waiter/Waitress is responsible for.
It shows most people are idiots? Let me enlighten you as to why you might find people that don't agree with you.
At least in your state. Not all States stick to federal minimums.
Quick question, and please let me know if this is too personal.
I don't think people assuming they owe more money than is charged to them in american commerce is ever a problem. If I call anywhere, and ask for the cost of something, and they tell me a price, I will never voluntarily hand over more money except in donation.
The crazy thing about that one is that the truck is empty, and he was just barely too tall. The guy could have driven under that bridge cautiously a couple hours ago with a full load, and upon return found himself half an inch too tall.
I hate the point out the obvious, but the speed at which something appears to be traveling has everything to do with it's trajectory in relation to the observer. If that were a falling object whose target was near the camera, it would appear to not be moving very quickly, while anything that shot off at a right angle…