Ear Furnishings

Melania Trump planted kale in Michelle Obama’s garden today, which I guess is better than the alternative but like, I don’t know, please step off our leeks!!!!

Meh, we’ll celebrate whatever we what, wherever we want to, and whenever we want to do it, it’s still America. Personally (and I was raised Baptist, mind you), I don’t see the need to treat Christianity (or its supposed adherents) with any more deference than I do Zoroastrianism or Harry Potter or any one of thousands

Alternatively, she could shut the fuck up about her #SponCon vacation being cancelled and how she plans to “hit” the resort next year when people who actually live on that island are at great physical and material risk. It costs zero dollars and zero sense to have some fucking humanity and realize not everything is

That’s ridicous? It was perfectly plotted through out.

I was hit with a belt maybe once or twice, but I was older. At two you barely really understand what’s wrong and right and you’re still trying to figure out where the line is. I’m kind of disturbed by her continual justification for her actions. Like I’m not sure why she feels she can be an advocate of any kind. Also,

I was treated as a criminal. I wasn’t given a chance to explain myself. I wasn’t asked: What happened? I was just thrown behind bars. I felt like I was seen as a monster.

“I was shocked and scared and I hit him. The next day he was removed and I was arrested. I was treated as a criminal. I wasn’t given a chance to explain myself.”

Blair Waldorf, the best character 

My mom was very much of the same mind. She and I really butted heads throughout my teens and into college (god, I was a bitch). But once I hit my mid 20s, she really did become my best friend. We just had to get there naturally.

The name for that color is staring us right in the face:

My Father was an Air Force Air Mobility Command Officer (Now Retired). I’ll let his email to me speak for itself:

“He was a good looking guy... and a douche.”

I can not believe that my cross stitch is on here.

She is a historically important figure beloved by many, including me. Her voice is important. Further, nearly every person who has run for POTUS in the modern era has written a book. It would be unusual for her not to write one.

One other factor in her loss.... the election was stolen. Not only did we have Comey’s announcement and constant fake news online but hundreds of thousands of likely democratic votes were thrown away in key states and many states made it more difficult for students, urbanites and minorities to vote as soon as the

Clinton was the most qualified person to be President in a generation running against the least qualified. People like you that think she’s everything wrong with politics are the problem and the reason America and the world wake up and look at the news every day to go, “Oh fuck what now?!!!”

Calling them the only good twitter account is just a slap in the face to the only other good twitter account, @dogrates.

Not like our grandparents, who all sort of hated their spouses but were always together.

He’s a member of the Knights of Columbus, for Christ’s sake.

I wish there was an age restriction or term limits or something that got these old fucks out of the government faster. We need fresh minds. We need diversity. We don’t need old white men getting older but still in complete and total control of a world that is changing far faster than they can possibly keep up with.