
W8 and iOS are the best mobile platforms, hands down. They require less oompth to run at smoother rates. I don't care if the SIV has 12 cores. All I know is that I've been an Android user all my life, and I've grown so accustomed to the lags and spikes that my iPhone-toting friends are so foreign to.

If only if that were true. SIII/HOX choke all the time when it comes to doing real world tasks. Stop looking at on-paper performance and start considering real world applications.

I've been using an Android phone for a while now, and while the menus are becoming increasingly better to look at, things are prone to crash/lag when I least expect/want it to.

I agree. I've been using an Android phone for a while now, and while the menus are becoming increasingly better to look at, things are prone to crash/lag when I least expect/want it to.

I agree. I've been using an Android phone for a while now, and while the menus are becoming increasingly better to look at, things are prone to crash/lag when I least expect/want it to.

3DS is becoming more and more awesome =D

I reserve the right to disagree.