
Hear, hear!

Apparently you have a severe reading disorder because all i've ever said over and over again that the story doesn't need to be changed only the main character, or hell not even the main character because its only the approach to issue solving that needs to be different to adapt it to another genre. And you must be

And what praytell, is wrong with having Booker be different kind of person? Obviously Bookers personality is constructed in such a way as to wedge him into the genre in use, no? Of course his personality would have to change because if he was a goody two shoes he wouldn't have the backbone to pull the trigger on

Why wouldn't there be able to be same characters there if it was a different game type, their disposition towards you may be different but to my understanding that's probably because you are trying to kill them or everyone around you is trying to kill someone. Now just because it isn't a shooter doesn't mean people

Really, because up till the point of the interracial couple the game really didn't feel like a shooter and none of the characters up till then were violent at all, only going about their every day life. If anything the game felt like an explorative, adventure type game up till the part of the where they find your