
This was great!

Has Donny Osmond had work done, though? Or does he just have a portrait of himself up in his attic that keeps getting older and more decrepit as the years fly by?

Response by developer:

You know what, I'm not even gonna fuck around with that halfway shit like that Pope is doing—you deserve better. If you follow me on Twitter, I will automatically grant you access to Super Heaven.

Ugh. My dogs hate when Laura Beck posts Puppy Squees. I always end up waking them up and demanding "BE ADORABLE FOR ME!" ... so many dirty looks.

Periods are a sexist invention of the Patriarchy designed to suppress women and funnel money to Big Cotton.


OMG, you guys! I am going to seize on the tampon theme of this post as an excuse to share a hilarious blog post I read the other day that I feel you would probably all appreciate.

Looks like the Lehman Brothers

I'm not really known for my subtlety, so I tend to do something along the lines of:

It's annoying, even if you're not a someone with really severe 'EAT PEANUTS NEAR ME AND I WILL LITERALLY DIE' allergies. Do you know what's a fun* thing to do on a first date? Try to casually work your tree nut allergy into conversation so that your date doesn't eat anything you're allergic to, kiss you and

....heads to Hobby Lobby for tiny clothes.....

We have a "tool area" in our yard/covered storage/whatever space. It helps. DS and his bestie (a girl), love to build the crap out of things. I had her overnight and it was 4 straight hours of lego, followed by dinner and stories. Then in the am, they woke up and switched genders (he was the girl; she was the boy),

I know some people just don't like them, but I have to stand up for the little guys. Roosters can be aggressive but hens, especially the common breeds of chickens kept these days are usually pretty docile. They're actually surprisingly friendly and do many hilarious things. My free range girls run full speed to greet

OMG - as an aside, I took a cheesemaking class this weekend at a farm that raised goats. GOATS ARE SO FRIENDLY!!! They ran over to the fence and demanded pets and hugs as soon as they saw me and my family pull up. I DIED. I had no idea how awesome and cheerful goats can be! The farm owner even said they can get

Isn't this the exact reason Coq au Vin was devised, or was Alton Brown lying to me again?

Eat the fucking chicken, you urban pussies.

I thought it was common knowledge that every time you "like" a photo of the gays, Facebook sends a signal to their hidden subterranean coven of Satanists, who use the energy of your mouseclick to slowly continue inscribing an enormous pentagram onto the locked gates of Hell.

"but as a parent, it's still on you to be better."

Now playing

HUH. I often pronounce bitch as "betch"...