
This is just beyond upsetting. I need a cigarette and a cosmo. Exclamation point!

Tweety-pie shit is how I will now always refer to Twitter. Thank you, JPP.

i volunteer to smoke weed and answer questions for jezebel

It's almost as if gay people can be gay without it being a huge defining trait in their personality and/or storyline.

I realized when I was 15 how incredibly racist and bigoted my extended family is. To the point that I feel as though I am violating my own sense of morality and my own responsibility to the world by associating with them. So when I turned 18 I cut them out of my life. I get questions from people being like oh but

oh shit it didn't dawn on me that she was breaking the law by drinking at 16. what a bitch. thanks for pointing that out to me. I take back complimenting a young woman for standing up to the global internet community by showing that she's not ashamed.

Er, going to a party and getting drunk does not make someone a lesser person, even if they are underage.

It's true we don't know much else about Jada or her life, but we DO know she is handling all this very bravely and seeing someone like her stand up for herself could make other victims feel less alone and more able

Oh, I'm sorry. Are women and girls just not supposed to drink and ave a good time now? God forbid they do anything that isn't a sober, rational thought at a whopping 16 years old. Sounds like she had ONE drink, and it was drugged. Maybe we should give you a drink that is drugged and see how you react, being an adult

I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.

Agreed. If there's anything good that comes out of this story, it's that at least I learned that a brave and great and wonderful girl, Jada, exists in this godforsaken cesspool called earth.

I just saw a dog eat some bees. It did not look particularly fun.

Well, I, for one, find it offensive that he thinks bears actually give a fuck about honey. They're eating the BEES, for christsakes. You should have told him to eat some bees.

(That message was sent to me)

Hi, you're my new best friend and I'm stealing that from you. Kay? Kay.

Jesus tapdancing Christ.

I want to know how much extra they had to pay to photoshop those girls using public funds. Sounds like a waste to me.

Here's what I posted on i09 this morning: