
I would love to have some Manmeet on Doctor Who.

Remember that in the Lord of the Rings universe there are little to no moral ambiguities and genocidal war against evil is wholly justified. The chances are that Tolkien's elves would take one look at all the horrible shit that people do to each other in the ASoIaF universe and then march over them with their superior

I Believe that the immortal agent of the Gods would likely kick Joffry's little bitch ass like the cunt he is.

4) Batman

You missed out the fact that they are highly trained physicists who maintain the strings and superstrings that hold together the fabric of our reality.

I'm with you, but there is no point in arguing with people. They're convinced that millions of highly educated people over two thousand years are simply less intelligent and knowledgeable than them.

Of course it's weird! How can you think like that about our sovereign rulers!?

Listen, io9 commenters. I am happy to be a member of your ranks, and while I do not contribute overly-much on the intelligent discussion end I'd like to think I more than make up for that with my usage of gifs.

That said, the lack of one of these is highly disturbing. I am happy to have helped. Continue on.

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness and parachute pants will be added to our own.

Someone is playing Mooncraft.

Careful what you ask for. Here's what you get with Zardoz:

How is Monty Python and the holy Grail a cult movie?

This site exists purely as a vehicle for Zardoz propaganda...

Nepalese: The honey badgers of the Himalayas.

Kin Selection is what I always invoke if someone hits me with one of those stupid "gay people are useless because evolution" speeches.

This kid always creeped me out, let's see what he looks like now.


His name is Susan, and he wants you to respect his life choices.

It was PG-rated magic.