
I’m half black, I live in SW Portland. I often get confused for Mexican. During the beta on two separate occasions I was approached by visibly wary and agitated people asking me if I was alright or looking for something. It’s the reason I don’t play it like I would like now. I rarely play in public anymore.

It isn't the inconvenience that is the issue, it is that the companies are essentially robbing us for services available at much more competitive prices elsewhere. So you are paying more for others, but getting less, with the only reason being the greed of the provider.

Still waiting for the Gizmodo feature on how it happened, the Lifehacker feature on how to make sure it doesn't happen to us, the Jezebel feature on how our culture allows males to feel that they can invade any women's privacy, the Gawker feature on how 4chan heard about the leaks, along with the TMZ call to get them