It could have been any one of us? This girl clearly had problems before any of this happened. It's not normal for a girl (let alone a13 year old) to send strangers pictures of her breasts and vagina. It's sad how insecurity and whatever else she had going on could get her into this and even worse and more disgusting

It could have been any one of us? This girl clearly had problems before any of this happened. It's not normal for a girl (let alone a13 year old) to send strangers pictures of her breasts and vagina. It's sad how insecurity and whatever else she had going on could get her into this and even worse and more disgusting

simon cowell really sounds like an awful, selfish person. he said he hadn't had kids because he couldn't find a woman good enough to mother his children, but his ex aborted their baby years ago. and now this woman is pregnant and keeping the child (I feel like this was likely not something he wanted), and he doesn't

"The Female human body is the most beautiful work of Art God ever created"... unless you have tattoos, are fat, are black, dress too slutty, were ever a stripper, are still friends with a guy you slept with, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

If this girl feels bad about her privilege, that's her own fault. I doubt anyone is judging her for what she has; if anything they're judging her for being a whiny bitch about it. I didn't have any loans from college or grad school either and generally Ive been very fortunate, and I'm GRATEFUL. What is up this girl's

GOOD GOD Lemon that dress is spectacular. <3 them.

Another reason why twitter is dumb and I refuse to ever join.

agreed. there's a difference between telling your daughter "you're a slut" and "your shorts are slutty". They're not the same thing. My mom told me I looked like a prostitute once in a halter top when I was 13 and it made me not want to wear it again because I was embarrassed. And guess what—I kind of did look like

I ate one of the yogurts .. it tasted like that fizzy gogurt that came out a while ago. It made me sick...but then again I have a super sensitive stomach. I had to throw out like 8 yogurts when I heard about this last week. I emailed them for a refund but their website was down and I haven't gotten a reply yet. Get

My friend used to babysit for a baby that looked like shriveled up Voldemort from the last movie.

Kim and Kanye ARE perfect for each other. They are both awful. The problem is, Kanye clearly wasn't thinking with his head when he got with her; he was thinking with his pants. He tries so hard to be classy and cultured, but then he got stuck with Kim. Shoulda wrapped it up!!! She is clearly not where he aspires to

Wasn't this basically the entire premise of "America's Sweethearts" like word for word, except Roberts was the formerly fat sister??

How is this possible? Aren't there like 100 million more men in China than women because boys are more desired than girls?

Some people really have too much time on their hands.

Dear lord.

All of these tactics MIGHT get you somewhere IF the girl actually liked you already. But you have to get to that point. And none of these techniques will get you there.

There's nothing wrong with being curious about something you don't know anything about. I think this is a good idea. When I was in 7th grade at sleepaway camp I helped an African Ameircan girl take out her extensions because I was curious what her hair felt like and it was neat. That said, touching strangers without

The SVU episode was the FIRST thing I thought of when I saw this headline. John Stamos. sigh. So messed up.

All I can think of after reading this is how pathetically consumerized (is that a word?) our society has become. Seems like any/every occasion is now a reason to spend money on stupid crap.

The term is used in federal laws... "alien unlawfully present" is more common, esp in the INA, which is where my experience lies (not as a lawyer though). That essentially means the same thing, just more formal. HOwever just googling the term there is a law from 2012 "Illegal alien means any person who is not lawfully