@Snafu77: and William Shatner.
@Snafu77: and William Shatner.
Tid-E Bowl to the rescue!
@dimich.: I know. And look how happy the other browsers are for IE.
@ScottRose: You're right, they never had slaves in Canada. Oh wait, they did until 1830. Nice way to compare something that has been go on for the last 50 years and currently (this barbaric testing and the US universal health care debate) with something that happened over 150 years ago.
@DanielJ: I made fun of a Sony spokesperson.
@Crown Victorious: I wouldn't call it an accident. Standing on the side of a dirt road watching vehicles driving at extreme speeds on dirt surfaces in dust and low light conditions, it's only a matter of time before a fatality occurs. That's no accident, that's statistical probability.
@Crown Victorious: A daddy's job is to make sure his child is never that close to danger to begin with. He corrected a bad mistake at the last possible second, but it still cost his daughter her father, which means he failed his daddy job in the end.
I've pitted for Baja 500 and 1000 races, and I know just how fast the vehicles go. Anyone with a proper amount of respect for mass and velocity would never, ever stand that close to the course.
Yo dawg, the PSP is the shizznit and all, but as a grown adult who doesn't ride the bus, I can't be carrying my PSP and my iPhone to the boardroom.
What. The Fuck.
@TrapperKeeper: Darth Maul's OTHER brother, Wile. E. Rascal.
To be clear, the Star Tours movie is for people standing in the queue, not an actual preview of the ride. It's just recycled footage from the movies (although I did find the "Alderran voted safest planet in the galaxy line" very funny).
SNL already has the patent on the "Love Toilet" model.
@Bryce Jamison: Hey, there's at lease two different Zune HDs in there.
@Scratic: Good thing she's pretty like her mother :-)
I saw hair being blown up by a fan off someone's head.
I *don't* want to work at Sega if I have to sit in one of those shitty cubicles.
Whatever it is, it's ugly.
@FrankenPC: Yes it works with iTunes. It's worked with every version of iTunes that came down the pipe. The only requirement is you have a Mac with Firewire.
@FrankenPC: I'm still using my original 5 GB Apple-only iPod from 2001. Synced it full of podcasts last night. It lives in my car, connected to the Aux line. And it still works perfectly.