
That guy looks older than me. And I'm way too old to be trying a stunt like that.

@nuksies: My Corgi ate my Apple Remote. Luckily she spit the battery out unchewed.

Or maybe it's just the frakking recession making people choose food over manga?

@j.walk3: Thanks for spoiling the fun!

@cowboybebopfan: Set up your "Fusion" in your Gawker profile, and you can have a custom Gizmodo that contains just the right posts you want from all the different Gawker sites. Check out mine:

Being the father of a 2.5 year old boy, these photos send shivers down my spine.

@aliza: It's that little Heart right under your avatar. Thanks!

@murphyah: My observation of Kendra is not based on her physical appearance, but on her "performance" on her two reality television series and her appearances on talk shows. From those observations, she's a moron. And if she was a brunette with a flat chest that appeared in the Old Farmer's Almanac in denim overalls,

Poor Prince, they won't pay him in advance. Here's the cure - put out decent music, and people will buy it.

So the book was ghost written for Kendra. Who's going to ghost READ it to her?

I prefer a hand job to a blow job. Handjobs allow for kissing during the act, which is a huge bonus in my book.

@SupaChupacabra: No wonder Porkins couldn't hang on - his fingers were covered in fried chicken grease!

There's a reason that dessert is on the menu at restaurants - because you're supposed to order it. It's part of the meal experience to me.

To quote Linus Van Pelt: You didn't say you were going to KILL it!

Probably one of the very first chuckle out loud moments I ever had at the movies was during E.T., when Elliott calls his older brother "Penis Breath."

Which side was supposed to be the good guys?

@ManchuCandidate: I think that's an Implosion. An implosion of suckage.

@phoghat: The surprise cameo portion was great.