
Two year-olds are cranky enough. A two year-old coming down off nicotine? Yowie.

@cicadymn: Apparently those ads are not pushing away the rest of the consumer market.

@WB: Exactly. Two many bickering, competing division heads. They need a benevolent dictator to focus their divisions, and apparently that's not Steve Ballmer.

@MascotRay: Thanks for the knowledge. Thought it had been banned in the US.

How come the only cars that survive any apocalypse are old beaters (no offense GTO). Doesn't a brand new minivan ever make it thru OK?

3, 2, 1 until lil' Jimmy breaks lil' Timmy's neck by jumping down on him re-enacting his favorite scene from a TV cage match.

It was a great phone for texting, but its time has come and gone. The era of the Smartphones and Apps is here.

Well, this will make up for that ugly Kin fiasco for sure.

@irfan: Thanks for the info!

@Navin R Johnson: Mercury hasn't been and ingredient in fillings since the early 1970s.

@sudosudont: Where did you grow up? My wife grew up in LA in the 70s, and has never had a cavity. Perhaps fluoridated water really does help?

@Boatski: And why do I want to stream my music to my iPhone over ATT's crappy network, when the music is already on my iPhone? Save the data streaming bandwidth for information that changes/updates, like email, contacts and calendars.

@Vexorg: I was referring to the pics that you transferred over to the iPad during the syncing process with your computer.

@Denver: Remember my motto: The cuter the animal, the more delicious.

@White_Redeemer: @Vexorg: I have to use the iPhone app on the iPad if I want to upload pics to FB, since you can't "Browse" photos in the iPad's memory using Safari.

Need to update it for the iPad. I have to use the iPhone app on the iPad if I want to upload pics to FB, since you can't "Browse" photos in the iPad's memory using Safari.