@TheSonOfKrypton: It's only weird if you rub one out thinking about the phone.
@TheSonOfKrypton: It's only weird if you rub one out thinking about the phone.
Shouldn't USS Voyager be flying thru that solar flare?
I always thought the "plane" from Land of the Giants was the most un-flight worthy design I had ever seen.
I actually believe the Air Guitar will be made.
@LobsterKnifeFight: You can forward the Google Voice number you get to any phone. Going to be at work all day? Forward your Google Voice number to your work phone. On vacation? Forward it to your cell phone. Staying at Grandma's house in the sticks where there's no cell phone reception? Forward it to her rickety dial…
@FTGDWolverineEdition: About a day and a half and there's not a scrap left. A Catapillar like that could do some serious damage in the wrong hands.
@Fazulka: I got my wife one for Christmas last year. It's her second favorite gadget, right after TiVo.
@Stem_Sell: Resistance is Futile. You will become one with the Apple.
@Gawd: That is EXACTLY what my wife and I call that photo! The Bart Simpson I Am So Great Noisemaker Photo!
@MacPro66: iTunes 9.1 will not downgrade your iPhone, and, if you did find it and install it, you iPhone running 4.0 will no longer be recognized.
@Bobby T.: So true, like any relationship, it has its ups and downs. But still, in this era, three years for a phone is pretty good.
3, 2, 1, until the creepy guys start calling Rosa.
Need Sirius/XM to be updated. Anybody know if/when it's coming?
I saw this series. And no, you don't totally want to watch this show. Trust me.
@Bubbsdaddy: No, but Kindle books will sync wirelessly across all of the devices you have it installed on.
@carrvin8: I am not having that problem.
@Irina Wylder: Make sure you have iTunes 9.2 first. iTunes 9.1 will not recognize an iPhone running 4.0
@snitch: Yes, but you have to tap your heels together three times and yell 'I Believe in Fairies' first.
@Bobby T.: You got three good years out of it.