
@Huatnee: That's un-possible. Look in your folders, it has to be there.

@stripey: Good question. Every other OS update broke the unlocking. If I were to speculate, iOS 4 would break the unlocking again. I would also guess that the iPhone 4 has some kind of hardware identifier that allows it to be run on any network in the UK that the 3GS probably does not.

@DrunkenOstrich: No, but there's a version of Kindle reader for the Mac, iPhone and iPad.

@ALT: It does make the 3G laggy. Unless you really want to put you apps into folders, I would skip it.

I thought about sending this one, but forgot. My son was about 18 months old, first thing thing up in the morning, running thru the family room with his teddy bear backpack, drum and rattle. I "tracked" him with my iPhone, which accounts for the motion blur.

@nikonratm: I don't doubt that the processor on the 3G is NOT up to the chore of multi-tasking. Looking forward to see what my new iPhone 4 does with MT on Thursday.

Has anyone discovered, via the Setting/General/About screen on their iPhone, if this version is any different from the GM version of 4.0 that was released last week? GM version is 8A293

@vuvuzelafox: I'll be happy with a multitasking Sirius XM app too.

What keeps this from being interesting to me is the fact you need to have a Mac at home on all the time so you can use it as your streaming server.

@dennis636223: And you can now promote other worthy comments.

@EBone: And now I have my shipping notification. Yippee!

My Apple order status says Prepared for Shipment, so I'm looking good still. Keeping fingers crossed for others.

@jfpbookworm: * that it's actually happening at a time/place they find conducive for sex

@AnneV6: I'm laughing, with you, I swear. Great storytelling.

@deleahrium: No, I'm insinuating your taking your shirt off for gay men :-)

@beatrixkiddo: If the guy is judging you by those standards, then he isn't worth your time.