I don't think it will work too well on my Toyota FJ or on a Jeep Wrangler with their near vertical windshields.
I don't think it will work too well on my Toyota FJ or on a Jeep Wrangler with their near vertical windshields.
Blockbuster, how I loved you in the late 80s, when I could go to one of your theater-themed stores, smell the microwaved popcorn, and grab a VHS copy of Top Gun or Ghostbusters.
@pirate_eggie: Do a gogle image search for over the line. You will get a clear picture of the event.
@ak4ray005: Yes, her screen work in the 80s was...stimulating.
@pirate_eggie: No, slosh ball is softball with a keg at second base. No bases or base running in OTL. here's a link. It's debauchery at its highest form, and it's coming up in a month.
@Meredith Woerner: The ship can fly into a star's corona, so I would expect that it wouldn't leave a mark on the floor.
@Sweetz: I thought that was pretty clear myself. My guess is, since they keep beating us over the head each week with the "Previously on" scene of 'Destiny is powered by the stars themselves' that the reason the ship hasn't jumped back to FTL is they are close to a rogue star or some other anomoly that penetrated the…
The drama between the military vs. civilians wasn't overplayed enough, so we're going to add some Lucian Alliance people to the crew ala' the Maquis crew memebers on ST: Voyager?
Not sci-fi, but I thought the trailer for Inglorius Bastards was the biggest bait-and-switch in the past ten years. I wanted all Nazi killing, all movie long.
San Diego State University: For my two classes of required PE, I took 'Introduction to Frisbee' one semester and 'Over-The-Line' another semester (Over-The-Line is like softball, with no base running, and usually lots of alcohol, and is a cherished sport in San Diego).
San Diego State University: For my two classes of required PE, I took 'Introduction to Frisbee' one semester and 'Over-The-Line' another semester (Over-The-Line is like softball, with no base running, and usually lots of alcohol, and is a cherished sport in San Diego).
I thought unless you wereTony Hawk that you were supposed to stop riding skateboards when you turn 35 and slightly balding?
@Deckard: gdgt.com will have live coverage, and theirs is great, just not a snarky (sadly) as Giz' usually is.
If you don't count the Dharma Purge, Sayid and Smokey are just about tied.
@katabell: They're...not?
Looks like The Curse is actually...
Anybody who has gone through as many spouses/significant others as Jim Carrey has no business dispensing relationship advice.
No mention or love for Tina Fey? She was wearing glasses on Weekend Update a decade ago. And I fell in love.
@KaneRobot: No, no it isn't. It's awesome.