
@gbmbg: +1 to you good sir.

@Sefa: Nice. He really did come off as the world's biggest douche, didn't he?

Picard used a cool jumbo PADD in the First Contact movie. It's about the size of a bed tray. It's in the scene where he and the security guards are arming in preparation to assault Engineering and puncture the coolant pipes.

@RyanLN: I don't disagree with you :-) I only know what Google told me.

Google was interviewing and shopping for wind and solar energy companies at least two years ago. Google told me they wanted to offset the carbon footprint of their operations.

@mccartcz: Since Jolicloud is set to write it's files to a windows formatted partition, I'm guessing it won't work on a Mac formatted partition.

I'm gonna try this on my Acer Aspire One D150 tonight. Will post my observations.

I see No. 2's 1701D and raise him my Hallmark:

@HelmetRule: The guy who beat WoW that @Dnyde linked to is obsessed with WoW, and plays it a lot.

@Slothboy: It's called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

How perfect since she's batshiat crazy.

@ReiRei0: Michael, it's time to get our party on.

So if you don't want a ticket, buy a pickup, or your grandpa's old car.

@appletoad: I know that's a ban-able phrase around these parts, but I concur with you statement in its entirety. #google

I guess all those iPhone-optimized websites don't count either, Steve.