I recently had my hair cut by a flat earther. Spent a good half an hour explaining how the earth is round, and that I have physically seen the curvature of the earth with my own eyes. He still said he was skeptical.
I recently had my hair cut by a flat earther. Spent a good half an hour explaining how the earth is round, and that I have physically seen the curvature of the earth with my own eyes. He still said he was skeptical.
Congratulations, I thought I’d already read the most absurd comment I was going to today.
Well, lets see. The asteroid belt it will be in close orbit with contains approximately a giga mega shit ton more “toxic” elements by exponential factor.
It was a test flight to gather data. They needed weight in the rocket before the real thing. The orbit was not calculated right so it is in an unplanned orbit. And the center core did not land right. They will go through all the data. Normally they send a lump of concrete up. But what fun would that be? One of…
It’s on a long solar orbit. We’ll never have to deal with it again.
Hawt take bro.
I have the California title in my office in Nevada, car physically located somewhere past mars.
Source: I work for a large four lettered Government space agency
Runs when parked in orbit. Bring your own trailer Space Shuttle.
You’d be surprised how many dumbfuck’s from other countries have been commenting as well. Surprisingly, America does not hold the rights to idiotic statements and thinking, it just seems that way.
Ran when launched into space.
For sale, Testa Roadster, second owner, 380 million miles, no low ballers, I know what I have.
Flat-Earthers are out in full force lately, and it’s absolutely adorable.
I believe we want this wiped *because* of the history books. Those who want to wipe history books tend to be the opposite people who want to re-name bridges. The bridge re-namers tend to want *bigger* history books.
I’m apparently one of the few who will agree with you about going overboard erasing our history, but in this case it probably was some kind of legislative act done by his crooked politician friends to honor their piece of shit buddy. Fuck politicians. Rename it.
They’re still in the history “books”. That’s how we know they’re scum.
Anyone who did anything bad ever must be wiped from the history books?