I always thought the one with separate bubbles was designed by someone who had been married for a couple decades.
I always thought the one with separate bubbles was designed by someone who had been married for a couple decades.
Nash chassis?
From experience, 16-year-old you would not have taken care of it either.
Actually it’s definitely in like with my “never be ashamed of your opinions” motto
She has the right to her opinions, just like anyone else here.
expecreted, it’s a perfectly cromulent word.
While it’s not a “brand new” Nissan Altima, I don’t understand all the negativity in the comments.
A lot of people would do what Coleman did without expecting anything in return. I help people just to know I did something nice. He got a car out of it. Yes, Offset apparently has a lot of money, but he did something he…
this japanese foil ball trend has got to stop.
Came here to make a similar observation, not even mad I was beat to it. Have a star.
Sure hope Chernoby doesn’t have a meltdown if FCA falls off schedule.
Yep, it’s pretty widely known that the IL-62 is a copy of the VC-10, so much so that some referred to it as the VC-10-ski.
Engines above the wings allows VTEC to kick in a little earlier. That’s what I’m told! Also, the red and white one looks awesome!
Canada has safety inspections that take a lot of cars like this off the road. Come to Michigan if you want to see the real rolling rust buckets.
I gotta ask what responsibility you’re talking about?
See I would’ve switched the number out so that it went to the SPLC or a recording that said ‘you’ve been added to a federal watch list.’
Sounds like you haven’t heard the good word of the FuelShark!
You know that’s complete BS. The real story is that my cousin’s friend’s brother knew the neighbor of a guy who made a car run on water. The oil companies snatched him one day and placed him at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
Someone invented a carburetor that would allow a car to get 100/200/whatever miles per gallon BUT THE GUBMINT DONE SQUARSHED IT!!
Think something new, different, elegant. Like Edsel.