Unless you’re the one...
Unless you’re the one...
With their toilet problems, it’s brown...
I’ll offer a dollar above any and all offers made by Deckard. To keep things interesting. :)
But, since he does represent the MSM...is this a false flag of fake news?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you have an Oriental friend?
They’re there. :D
*take Effect. Affect, as a noun, is a mood. However, this post should affect you. I hope this post effects a change on your article.
It’s an Illuminati conspiracy. </Obvs>
“...navel base,” huh?
I saw a rebadged SS in Ann Arbor...and I was so confused...until I saw the steering wheel. :D
F stands for SMH?
To Be Quite Perfectly Fucking Honest...Fuckers? Free-balling? Fiduciary? What’s the last F for?
Wasn’t one of the complaints that, at idle, the turbine heats up like a volcano?
So, you get the double attack of the munchies (once you smell the oil) and Sabot rounds... :D
OK, is the diesel thing just scuttlebutt, or...?
But...the Catera...was an Opel?!?
So, you are in fact saying that on CL, them’s the breaks? :D
Fitting username for your story. Was it just a bit of paint on your bumper in the end?
You also seem to assume that all transitions are instantaneous and costless. Move beyond econ 101. Some things take time and effort.