I thought you were a peddler of street food?
I thought you were a peddler of street food?
Read Jason’s slashfic on the topic. :D
Turd Force 1? :D
You totally, absolutely, 1000% did (not).
Oooh, Jason...
Choosing to paint Uber, the company, as an out-and-out evildoer in this case, does spill over onto the Uber drivers, obviously.
The protest only occured because the people were inconvenienced? It was the prerequisite blood sacrifice equivalent for the protest to occur?
Can I sympathyze with the detainees, call my Congress people, donate to the ACLU..And still need to be places? Or are my rights suspended now as well? (Although, yes, in the abstract, everyone’s rights are up for grabs... At any point.)
All business owners are immoral? Because money?
Chipping in voluntarily.
I did say above that it can lead to some fucked up situations. I could have been more explicit, but all “Trump is the Fuhrer” aside, this... ain’t that.
Fucking absolutely.
Your writing is unclear when you speak of their dropping of the surge pricing - Uber has been chastised before for allowing surge pricing in ...extreme (more like unusual, in this case) circumstances. They learned that lesson.
Thank you.
Or people will see they can count on Uber come any strike?