
I’m not an atheist ?

Thou shall not suffer a witch to live?

Mitochondrial or otherwise , DNA does not show nationality. That’s a label that’s not encoded genetically.

And what if it’s the time of a major world religion ? Should I venerate it? How is that relevant? It’s as fictional as Spiderman comics .


And a deadspin for your ilk.

You can tell they were Romans...by their DNA? That’s a dumb argument.

When the bible is used as proof that God exists , then the point stands. Or, have you not heard of that one? What is more, unless you wanna accept the divine nature of Caesar, your comparison of Anne Frank and Augustus is still irrelevant.

There are such accounts now?

In your anger spewing, you are aware that Christians claim the bible as proof of god, right?

Exactly. Upset. Irrational. My point stands.

Romanian revolution.

I had JWs stop by yesterday. I’m at least at a 200 level.

You are full of it.

The bible instructs people to kill time and again.

But surely YOU are a correct Christian? Lol

But this story is about Christian nonsense. Or would you prefer that all statements include a repudiation of Islam ?

Are they playing in the Euro cup? I didn’t seem them in the schedule, but I’m not paying attention. :D

Maybe in the new series?

“....is a creationist’s wet dream.”